The last thing anyone wants is to have to deal with a dangerously decaying tree on their property, but if you do find yourself in that situation, the best possible thing to do is act quickly. Luckily, the signs of decay are fairly easy to spot. The best thing you can do for your property is to stay informed and be proactive about dealing with problematic trees before the problem is exacerbated. Today, we’re helping you find some of the biggest signs that tree removal really is your only option (and one that you should act quickly on, at that). By regularly inspecting your property and looking out for red flags, you’ll be in a great spot to make sure all of your trees stay healthy.
If there are mushrooms growing on your trees trunk or roots (or even surrounding them), it’s a major sign that your tree will probably need removal soon. Fungal growth near the base of your tree is a sign of decay; it indicates that your tree’s roots or trunk are deteriorating to the point of fertilizing mushrooms. This needs to be acted on quickly, because dead or decaying roots and trunks indicate that the trunk’s structure has been compromised, meaning that it could be a serious falling hazard. Avoid this risk by calling a professional property maintenance company right away when you notice fungal growth.
Irregularities in tree bark are totally normal; small grooves and chips are just part of the deal. However, if you notice gray or light brown discoloration on your trunk, deep gouges or cracks that you haven’t seen before, or even holes that let you see the inside of the trunk, consider it a red flag. Healthy trees don’t have major trunk irregularities; the ones that do are the ones that are experiencing decay. Anytime there is an issue with your tree’s trunk, it calls into question the tree’s ability to remain upright. In this situation, the best there is to do is call a professional.
Maybe a bad storm left your tree a little crooked, or it’s started leaning a little more to one side over time. Whatever the cause may be, it’s not safe to keep a tree with a leaning trunk on your property. Leaning trunks are a clear sign that your tree’s stability has already been damaged. It’s crucial to eliminate this huge hazard immediately if you see one on your property.
When inspecting the health of your trees, don’t forget to pay attention to their branches. In Florida’s relatively mild weather, it’s rare for trees to lose their leaves altogether (however, if this is something that happens seasonally all over your tree, it’s totally normal). If a tree on your property has only sections of empty branches (near its crown or on its left side, for example), consider it a sign that you should investigate further. If a healthy tree loses its leaves because of the season, it happens all over; clumps of empty branches point to decay.
Your tree’s roots are literally its foundation; if they are in decay, it won’t be long before the rest of the tree follows suit. Healthy roots should be completely intact with no deep gouges or significant discoloration. For most trees, they should be a medium to deep brown color. If the roots of your tree are graying, discolored in patches, and/or flaking, call a professional immediately, as these are all signs of decay and structural weakness.
Your property’s trees will give you clear signs if they are in distress or decay – all you have to do is look out for them in order to keep your property in the best condition possible. By staying attentive to the above signs that tree removal really is your only option, you’ll be well-positioned to act quickly and keep your property safe year-round. If you noticed any of the listed signs of tree decay on your own property or have need for any other property management services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us – we’ll be happy to help and to give you a free quote.
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Oct 28, 2022
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