What are the rules when it comes to trees and power lines? Most homeowners know that letting their property’s trees get close to power lines is a huge no, but for such an important rule, it can be difficult to get clear guidelines about what you should or shouldn’t do. That’s why, in this blog post, we’re going over what you should consider about power lines at every stage of a tree’s life cycle, from planting to full maturity. We’ll also go over what you should do and who you should call if your tree branches are getting close to power lines. Stay safe, be proactive, and enjoy your beautiful property a safe distance away from electrical wires. Let’s get started.
Planting a tree on your property can be such an exciting activity for the whole family, and it’s crucial to take a few safety precautions in order to make sure that everything is set up safely in the long term. First and foremost, never plant a tree directly under a power line. If your property is relatively close to power lines, stick to planting a tree that will reach a mature height of no more than 15 feet. If you wish to plant a tree that’s over 15 feet tall, make sure it’s at least 50 yards away from any power lines in any direction. Of course, make sure to check with local authorities before planting a tree on your property.
Your tree’s branches should never get within 10 feet of power lines at the absolute closest. If your property includes trees that are within 50 feet of power lines (even if they’re 15 feet or shorter), it’s recommended that you get them trimmed regularly – about once a year or so if the tree is relatively young. When it comes to power lines, you can never play it too safe: if you suspect that your trees are growing a little closer to power lines than is ideal, do not investigate yourself: always call in a professional.
That brings us to our next point: if any of your trees are touching power lines, do not go near them and absolutely do not try to trim the branches yourself. Trees touching power lines are extremely hazardous: they can cause anything from power outages to electric shocks and fires. Always, always call in a professional who offers emergency services and who has experience handling trees and power lines. If you notice that one of your trees is close to or touching a power line, the best thing you can do is call a trusted professional with experience right away.
The best thing you can do when it comes to dealing with trees and power lines is to stay prepared and set your property up for safe growth to the extent that you can. If a tree on your property grows close to or gets tangled in power lines, call a trusted professional. If you have a tree that’s growing close to power lines and needs trimming, don’t hesitate to call us for a free quote.
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Aug 19, 2022
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